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I'm Siddharth Kumar

Data Scientist Python Lover Front-end Developer Data Analyst

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I am currently pursuing Computer Science & Engineering from Lovely Professional University.I am very enthusiastic toward my profession.I am always consistent toward my goal because i think consistency is one thing that will help me in accomplishing my goal.I am always eager to dig into new technologies coming out in this modern world.I love playing with data, analysing it, manipulating it and getting some useful insights from it. Currently I am exploring Deep learning and Big Data.I want to be a successful Data Scientist.


  • Name : Siddharth Kumar
  • Date of Birth : Born on : 27 / 03 / 2001
  • Email : anandsiddhartha134@gmail.com
  • Address : Gausaghat Darbhanga, Bihar
  • Phone : +91 7061483898


  • 90%
  • 80%
  • 85%
  • 95%
    HTML & CSS
  • 80%
  • 95%
  • 70%
    Data Analytics
  • 75%
    Data Structure
  • 95%
    C ++
  • 85%

My Projects :

Face based Attendance System (06/2020 – 07/2020)

When I was in school, attendance was taken in paper or register but with the advancement of technology we should not rely on copy or pen as copy is made by cutting trees which is now required to be preserved.It has been implemented with the help of Python,open cv, Machine Learning. This project is really cool as what it does is simply take picture of student through webcam matches the face with the face present in database and recognise the name and save the details of student in database with timing and date. If the student is new and the face recogniser didn't recognise the face then simply student can register as student, fill his name and then capture the image. Later on when the same student will punch his attendance then the same student will be recognised and the details will be saved in database. Whole detail of student that are present in database can be fetched by class teacher by logging into the admin panel.

Preparation Checker (12/2019 – 02/2020)

I have seen a lot of student goes into depression even if they have worked hard for there NEET exam because they overthink whether he/she will clear the exam or not.This over thinking may be proved fatal and can result in less marks due to depression. I have created a machine learning model and deployed it using flask which can tell about chance of cracking the exam given certain parameter such as number of hour studied daily, syllabus completed till now, whether the student is dropper or fresher, whether he is coaching student or he /she has studied by own. So at the time of examination this application can motivate the student not to worry if the student has worked hard.

Please watch the video if you want to know the working of the application link of the application has been given below.

Decision Review System (08/2019 – 10/2019)

This application might be helpful in avoiding cheating that is common in gully cricket.Using this application one can act as a third umpire and can give decision of out or not out.It has been implemented for LBW, Run out, Low catch, Stump out.This is created with the help of opencv and python.I have also added text to speech module of microsoft so when a decision is taken then machine itself speaks about the decision that whether the player is out or not out which make this project more classy.

Library Chatbot for University Services (03/2020 – 05/2020)

This was one of the project that i have created using the concept of Deep Learning.I have used 5 hidden layer in this project and made UI part with the help of python's module i.e. tkinter.I named the bot as jarvis and jarvis was helpful in asking simple queries like late fine,time of opening of library,which books are available e.t.c. chatbot was helpful in the sense that student who don't willing to go to library for asking the simple queries related to library, they can ask all the things from the jarvis and jarvis will reply all their queries.

Auditorium Ticket booking system (10/2018 – 12/2018)

I have created this project in first year which was made with the help of c++.I have used a lot of libraries of c++ including graphics for UI of seat. It was helpful in booking the ticket ,cancelling it. After booking it was showing the no of available seat and number of booked seat at a given instant of time. A person if want can cancel the ticket and after deducting the service charge refund was initiated.A person can book as many seat he want.

Data Science case studies:

Titanic ship case study

The problem statement of this case study was to predict chance of survival of male and female present in the ship. I used logistic regression to find that first of all i went through data preprocessing step i.e. cleaned the data, removed missing value, removed unwanted columns ansd then fitted the data in to the model and predicted the result and got that chance of survival for female was high in the ship.

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Employee salary case study

The problem statement of this case study was to predict employee salary based on test score, number of skills and last not the least experience year they have. I used XGBoost regressor to do so, first of all checked missing value and there were no missing value then divided columns present in the dataset into independent and dependent variables after that i splited dataset in training and test set,fitted data in to model and predicted the result and found the salary an employee can get.

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Impact of lockdown on pollution case study

The problem statement of this case study was to see if the claim of reduced air pollution is being actually backed by data or not. On March 25 2020, the Indian government placed its population of more than 1.3 billion citizens under lockdown in an effort to reduce the spread of the COVID-19 disease. All non-essential shops, markets and places of worship were closed with only essential services including water, electricity and health services remaining active. Citizens started to experience better air quality so much so that the scenic Dhauladhar Peaks of Himachal Pradesh became visible from neighbouring states. On normal days, these peaks lie hidden behind he film of smog and through the analysis we found that the claim of reduced air pollution is actually true. I have also made Air quality checker using Random forest and deployed it using flask.This AQI checker will be beneficial for people who want to know air quality of their area.

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Training and Certifications :

Python for Data Science

I have done this course on swayam and have got silver medal. This course helped me in developing basic skills in data science. It also helped me in learning python programming.

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Introduction to data analytics

Through this course I learned about different type of analysis technique that is descriptive analytics,diagnostic analytics,predictive analysis and prescriptive analysis.Got an idea when to use which type of analytics.

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Excel for Business Essentials

This was an awesome course from coursera where i learned how we can take help of excel in the journey of data science. Leaned about formatting, sorting, merging and how we can make powerful report using excel.

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Introduction to Big Data

Due to promising result of digitalization people are now switching to digital era and because of this data is also getting generated at very high speed.we need to study these datsa so as to give better result to the consumers and for that we need to understand big data.I have learnt little about hadoop,spark,hive,map reduce and how we can deal large amount of data through hadoop in this course.

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Introduction to Tensorflow & Deep Learning

I have learned backpropogation,hidden layer,gradient descent,forward propogation,activation function,optimizer also learnt about different technique used in deep learning i.e. CNN,ANN & RNN in this course.I also learned how we can implement deep learning on the top of tensorflow.

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Docker for Data Scientist

This was a small but a impactful course on how we can use docker on our machine learning model.I learnt about different commands that are used in docker, got an overview of dockerfile, docker image & containerization.

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A microlearning course on Data Science

In this Course i learnt about maths behind data science,learnt about MSQL Database, Data visualization and story telling using Tableau. This course was wonderful as it helped me in understanding mathematics behind machine learning algorithms

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My Experience :

1. Worked as Subject Matter Expert in Intellify.

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2. Worked as Data Analytics in Theshaaditimes

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3. Worked as Data Analytics in Spark Foundation

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